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I want to know more about refund requests for private lessons
I want to know more about refund requests for private lessons

I'm a Tutor article! Find out about refunds for private lessons, which are automatic, which need your go ahead, and how to action these.

Updated over a month ago

Should I refund a private lesson?

Some refunds are automatic, and some you’ll have to process yourself.

This will usually depend on when the refund or cancellation is made and who wants to do it.

If you or the parent cannot make the lesson booked you can reschedule without the need to cancel.

This is helpful if the lesson is still wanted just the time or date is no longer suitable for either of you. You can read more about how to make changes to your private lessons here

More than 24 hours before the lesson

If you or the parent wants to cancel the lesson:

  • Either party can cancel from their MyTutor accounts, and

  • No payment will be taken.

Less than 24 hours before the lesson

If the parent wants to cancel the lesson:

  • No changes can be made to the lesson. It is totally up to you whether or not to refund the session.

  • If you do want to refund, you’ll have to do a manual refund.

If you want to cancel the lesson or miss a lesson:

  • Manually refund the parent

To find out what other tutors would do in your situation, join our community here. It’s a great place to go to for advice and inspiration.

Make sure you are messaging the parent to advise them you will need to cancel the lesson so they are aware.

What if my student just didn't turn up for the lesson and now wants a refund?

This would follow the same process as the Less than 24 hours before the lesson, there is no compensation if this happens.

The decision to refund is completely at your discretion in this instance and you can proceed how you see fit for each circumstance.

How do I manually refund a private lesson?

In some cases, parents are automatically refunded. But in others, you’ll need to do a manual refund. And sometimes it’ll be completely up to you whether to refund the lesson at all.

To find out what other tutors would do in your situation, join our tutor community.

To manually refund a parent:

Less than 48 hours after the lesson

More than 48 hours after the lesson (you might not have the option to refund yourself anymore)

  • If you’re having more lessons in the future

    • Refund your next lesson straight away (within 48 hours!) using the steps above.

  • If you’re not having any more lessons

    • Please send us an email. We might ask you to bank transfer your payment back to us so that we can refund the parent ourselves.

In your email, remember to include all the details: parent/student name(s), time & date of the lesson, and why you want to refund.

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