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How do I get ready for my first lesson?
How do I get ready for my first lesson?

I'm a Tutor article! You have everything you need to be a fantastic tutor. Follow our checklist and you’ll be all set for your first lesson.

Updated over a month ago

Welcome to MyTutor! You’ve aced your training and secured your first lesson - now it’s time to do some prep.

Check out our tutor community, we have a specific space full of resources, lesson plan templates and frameworks to help you hit the ground running.

  1. Get familiar with the expectations we have of you, so that you and your pupils make the most of your lessons.

  2. Prepare your lesson space - somewhere quiet and private

    1. We know your bedroom might be your only choice, and that’s okay. Just make sure that it’s a neutral space and you’re not in bed.

  3. Get the right set-up and avoid technical hiccups. Then double-check everything by running a setup test. Here’s a downloadable checklist to keep by your side.

  4. Plan your lesson - use the information you have about your student, their needs, and their exam board to tailor the perfect lesson. But also make some time to get to know the pupil and to introduce yourself.

    1. If you don’t have any notes from the teacher, check out this post in our tutor community - or ask others for their advice.

    2. Don’t forget to make full use of our resources - MyTutor Academy has tonnes. And tutors tend to share them in the community too.

  5. Make it fun! This might be your student’s first lesson too, so they might be a bit nervous or not sure what’s in store. Be yourself and use the first lesson as a way to start building a great educational relationship.

❗❗ If you have back-to-back lessons with the same pupil, you need to ensure that you exit the first lesson and enter the 2nd to register attendance properly for both lessons.

This can affect how lessons are marked for attendance and pay, it could also cause delays to your payments.

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