Your teacher will give you your username and password, but to log in for your lesson:
Double-check your username and password with your teacher.
Your password should be all UPPERCASE and will be 6 characters long.
Make sure you log in from the right place:
Click on the link in the lesson reminder email you get 10 minutes before your lesson or
Use the School Portal.
Use the best browsers - Google Chrome on PCs, or Safari on Apple devices.
Remember that you can’t have your lesson on a mobile phone.
Now you’re in your account! If you want to launch the lesson space
Refresh the page 5 minutes before your lesson.
Click the ‘Launch’ button (this only activates 5 minutes before the lesson).
If you’ve followed all of these steps and you still can’t get in, please get in touch with your teacher at school. Please keep in mind that teachers are the only ones who can give out login details.
❗❗ If you have back-to-back lessons with the same tutor, make sure that you exit the first lesson and enter the 2nd to register attendance properly for both lessons.
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