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What's the feedback programme all about?
What's the feedback programme all about?

I'm a Tutor article! Find out more about the feedback programme for school lessons.

Updated over a month ago

Why do we have a feedback programme?

  1. To let you know how you’re doing and support your professional development. Feedback gives you the chance to make an even greater impact on your students than you already are.

  2. To keep an eye on lesson quality for the schools we work with. To keep providing work opportunities for you, we need to make sure that they’re happy with our service.

Who’s watching the lessons?

Our lesson observers are some of our longest-serving school tutors. As well as having completed a high number of school lessons on the platform, they’re also currently teaching and have top track records.

Are all my lessons being observed? How will you decide which tutors will be observed?

No, lesson recordings are watched at random. So maybe your lessons don’t get watched this month, or maybe a couple of them do and you hear from us more than once.

We make sure to watch a wide range of lessons and check back on tutors who look like they might need some extra support.

Remember that feedback is a really useful tool to measure how much you’ve progressed.

What do you mean by ‘need extra support’?

We want to see that tutors are passionate about their subject and committed to helping students achieve their learning goals.

So we observe to see if you:

  • Have sound curriculum knowledge

  • Are confident in your teaching

  • Proactively build positive relationships

If we notice that you’re struggling with any of the above, then we’ll contact you to provide extra support.

Will I be penalised for anything you see?

We’re not trying to catch you out. We want to support you in doing your best work, so you can help your students.

If we come across any safeguarding or professionalism concerns, we’ll follow the necessary procedures and processes.

That being said, we expect the majority of feedback will be around areas for development in your tutoring. And so rater than being penalised, you’ll be given guidance to help you improve your skills and further support your students.

Can I discuss my feedback with MyTutor?

Given the number of lessons being observed, unfortunately, there won’t be the opportunity to discuss your feedback in more detail.

But we do want to hear whether you’re finding it useful or not, and any suggestions on how we can better support you. If you have any thoughts, please fill out this form so our lesson observer team can take them on board.

Can I opt out of the programme?

We're afraid not. When surveyed, the majority of tutors who responded wanted us to introduce feedback, to understand if they’re on the right track. We want to support you as best we can in this aspect.

Plus, it’s crucial that we maintain a high standard for our schools - so that they continue to work with us and bring you work opportunities.

Will private tutors get feedback?

This programme is only for tutors on the Schools Programme. Because private tutors operate in a self-employed capacity, personalised feedback isn’t something we’re able to provide.

All tutors can develop their professional and tutoring skills by taking the training available in the MyTutor Academy. There’s a wide range of modules available, and they’re updated regularly.

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