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Responding to tutoring requests on MyTutor
Responding to tutoring requests on MyTutor

I’m a Tutor article! Check out this article if you are looking for guidance on how to handle tutoring requests for private lessons.

Updated this week

A request is the first message you receive from a parent, student or the MyTutor sales team to request a free meeting. It’s important to respond to these requests so parents and students know to reach out to someone else if you can’t help.

Responses need to ideally be within 24 hours of receiving the request. You can either accept or decline the request.

If you can help with the request, hit ‘I can help’, and take it from there.

If you can’t help, hit ‘Sorry, not this time’ and let us know why in the popup that follows.

If you don’t want to tutor certain subjects or levels, even though you’re eligible for them, it’s important to update your subject and level preferences on your profile to only show what you want to tutor. Find out more about managing your subject and level preferences here.

If you have enough students to tutor right now, make sure you update your availability to ‘Unavailable for new students’ on your profile.

If you are unable to respond to requests for a while, for example if you’re going on holiday, you can hide yourself from searches temporarily so you don’t receive requests while you’re unable to respond to them. Find out more about managing your availability here.

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