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Disintermediation policy for tutors
Disintermediation policy for tutors
Updated over 5 months ago

What is disintermediation?

An action taken by a tutor to take their work* off our platform.

*This includes communication with a parent or student, transferring money for delivering lessons off our platform and using alternative software such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams and others.

Why don’t we allow it?

Communicating outside the platform isn’t monitored, so this can also become a safeguarding concern. For this reason, sharing personal information of any kind goes against KCSIE (Keeping Children Safe In Education) guidelines.

What is our policy in practice?

Tutors should not:

  • Request or respond to any personal information from students or parents.

  • Give their personal contact details to students, for example, e-mail address, home or mobile telephone numbers, or details of social media platforms, such as Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram (this is not an exhaustive list).

If a student finds this information and attempts to contact you off the MyTutor platform, don’t respond and report the matter to our Safeguarding team immediately.

To report a concern to the safeguarding team, head to our separate and secure CPOMs platform. You can find out more information about how to do that here.

Tutors should:

  • Always follow the guidance in the ‘Standards of Behaviour’ section of our Code of Conduct

  • Adhere to MyTutor’s policies, specifically those around communicating with parents/carers and sharing information online.

  • Keep your personal contact details confidential and only communicate through MyTutor.

We ask this to keep you safe, your payments secure, and the opportunities rolling in.

We're committed to ensuring the highest possible standard of personal safety, well-being and safeguarding of everyone using our platform. Parents, students and tutors.

When we come across instances where we think tutors are intending to take work off our platform or may have already done so, we’ll close their account immediately.

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