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Why is there a working abroad policy for tutors?
Why is there a working abroad policy for tutors?

I'm a Tutor article! Find answers to the questions you have been asking around working abroad as a tutor with us.

Updated over a month ago

MyTutor tutors can't work overseas, for any amount of time. This includes short holiday breaks and longer defined periods.

You agree to follow this when you agree to our Terms & Conditions.

Why can't I work abroad?

You can't work abroad because of the tax risks. If you work abroad then you could create a tax presence abroad, which the company then becomes liable for. Every country is different, and every company is different in terms of the risk they’re willing to accept.

Also, our platforms aren't designed to work with international IP addresses. So doing so risks the customer experience. Letting customers down may mean they book lessons elsewhere and tell others about their poor experience with us.

What are the consequences of working abroad?

We’ve got processes to identify breaches of working aboard and the consequences are outlined in our code of conduct, where possible, we aim to offer constructive guidance.

However, repeated or significant breaches could lead to the suspension or closing of your account.

What if I’m travelling abroad for a short period of time, can I still tutor with MyTutor?

Even if you’re abroad for a short period, you can't tutor a MyTutor lesson from another country. Reschedule your lessons, and take the opportunity to switch off and enjoy your holiday!

How does this impact me if I’m already living abroad and tutoring with MyTutor?

If you’re currently living abroad and tutoring, please pause your lessons until you’re back in the UK. Get in touch with us on LiveCchat and we can help reallocate your lessons.

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