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Memberships: How to choose your tutoring fee
Memberships: How to choose your tutoring fee

I’m a Tutor article! Answering all if your questions about tutor earnings for memberships.

Updated over a week ago

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Why do my earnings per lesson range between 2 amounts?

Because the price paid by the customer ranges too.

The more lessons a customer buys, the less they’ll pay per lesson. And we’ll make that possible by doing two things:

  • Reducing the platform fee we charge each lesson

  • Offering discounted tutoring rates

So with higher commitment bookings, we’ll both earn less per lesson, but more in total.

Tutor earnings per lesson:

Full Price

(1 lesson per week,

3 months)

5% off

(1 lesson per week, 6 months)

10% off

(2 lessons per week,

3 months)


(2 lessons per week, 6 months)
















Tutor earnings overall:

Full Price

(1 lesson per week,

3 months)

5% off approx

(1 lesson per week, 6 months)

10% off

(2 lessons per week,

3 months)

12% approx

(2 lessons per week, 6 months)
















MyTutor’s platform fee:

Full Price

(1 lesson per week,

3 months)

5% off

(1 lesson per week, 6 months)

10% off

(2 lessons per week,

3 months)


(2 lessons per week, 6 months)
















We charge our customers a fee, and the fee structure above keeps MyTutor running and improving.

It covers sales and marketing (finding you new customers), product and engineering (maintaining and building the technology you use) and servicing (supporting customers and tutors). You can read more about it here.

How much will the customer pay?

Customers can choose from several plans to suit their goals, schedule and budget.

They'll also be charged a monthly membership fee to cover access to subject resources and materials.

To get paid, you’ll need to set up an account with our third-party payment provider. You can find out more about that here.

How to choose my tutoring fee?

As a self-employed tutor, those choice is totally yours to make.

You can swap between them at any time. Just remember that any updates will only apply to any future bookings; when an existing customer buys a new plan after completing their current one, or you get a new customer.

If you’re unsure which option to go for, here are some things to bear in mind…

  • Your experience

    From what we’ve seen, customers are willing to pay more for a tutor with proven experience.

    And that experience can come in many forms - maybe you’ve taught over 100 lessons with us with 5-star reviews, or maybe you can reference the impressive results of previous students you’ve helped. Consider what you can bring to the table when choosing your fee. And remember to include them in your pitch to new customers!

  • How many hours you want

    If your schedule is wide open and you’re looking to pick up as many hours as possible to build up some experience, you might consider a lower band. Those bands are more affordable for families, so picking one means you'll appeal to a wider range of customers.

  • What other tutors are charging

    To find out what other tutors are charging, join our tutor community. It’s a friendly space where you can connect with other tutors going through the same things you are, share advice and help each other.

Why are there only 3 options for me to choose from?

Customers already have a lot to decide (which tutor to go with, how many lessons per week, how many months in total). Fewer bands make it easier for customers to choose a tutor for their low, medium or high budget. By helping customers make the choice, we’re bringing them one step closer to working with you.

Why are GCSE, A Level and University all paid the same?

Firstly, there’s already a lot for the customer to choose from. All levels will be paid at the same rate to simplify their decision-making process. The quicker they decide, the sooner they’ll become a paying customer with you.

Secondly, with this structure, you can earn more for GCSE lessons (which tends to be the most popular level booked). It’s fairer for our tutors. We know you put in a similar amount of time lesson planning regardless of level, and so your earnings should reflect that.

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